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AFTERLIFE is a 18 level map series in awesome series. In AFTERLIFE you play as Andrew, the CEO of I.S.S.E. AFTERLIFE is a connected series with multiple other series including [[POP]] [[Factory Rebirth]] and [[Evade]] as a key part of [[APER]]. AFTERLIFE was made from the mind of [[AFT_Daring]] and a part of [[AFT Studios]].
AFTERLIFE is a 18 level map series in awesome series. In AFTERLIFE you play as Andrew, the CEO of [[I.S.S.E.]] AFTERLIFE is a connected series with multiple other series including [[POP]] [[Factory Rebirth]] and [[Evade]] as a key part of [[APER]]. AFTERLIFE was made from the mind of [[AFT_Daring]] and a part of [[AFT Studios]].

AFTERLIFE, like the other series in [[APER]], is very lore focused. The game dives deep into a richly written and beautifully executed story, which spreads itself out onto a total of 18 levels.

==Levels and Info==

The following is a summary of every AFTERLIFE level to date.


You open at your desk and begin working. You get interrupted by a worker of yours and they inform you you need to meet John in lab 26A. You then wander the halls of I.S.S.E, until you find a zoo in which you go through to find a vent leading to the lab. You get brainwashed by John and get sent into a forest.


You find yourself in a strange forest and find a door in a mountain. Going through the door you find yourself in a facility owned by I.S.S.E whoever they are. You find an activated portal and jump in. You cross into a weird pind dimension and parkour your way through it until you find a strange green portal. You go deeper into the rabbit hole and go through

After walking through the green portal you appear in an old room.. But something is off. The entire room is upside down! You jump through the ford and walk through a void hallway to a lab hall. You parkour on the light and grab missing texture blocks to find a part of the lab that isn’t flipped. You go through normally and dodge lasers eventually reaching a wired eye in which you enter the simulation dumpster. You play through an old game called the adventurous adventure and the game seems broken with multiple warning signs but that's fine. You make it to the end and the simulation deteriorates as you walk into some containment room housing a sort of godlike being. He called himself GYRO and says we have two options as of now. He tells us we can see yourself or see more. SEE YOURSELF: you choose this and see a picture of a semi old man with the label underneath saying CEO of I.S.S.E SEE MORE: you walk and find a red portal. You walk through it and continue your journey

You go through the portal and find yourself in an abandoned facility. You explore the place finding stranger and stranger rooms. You find a ventway and crawl through a gigantic maze. After forever you reach the transit station where the train going toMIDGARD is missing. You do a bit of exploring and eventually find the train. You hop into it along with a lot of contraband and set out for MIDGARD!

After waking up in the tan station you walk through a door saying WELCOME TO MIDGARD there’s a bunch of information about this weird white void saying that it’s a recycling dimension? It seems like this place is a museum but as you press on, everything feels very scattered. Like things were moved around and not kept in check. Eventually you approach this gigantic white tentally ball in a white void. It looks as if it's reconstructing reality. This must be the core of MIDGARD. You walk on a semi in taked road to a box with a headset saying octane above it and a sign saying put it on.

You Wake up in a black void with text telling you how you’ve been brainwashed and how “they” need your help. You continue forward and find the headset is displaying a multitude of games for you to play. The first game is floppy bird. You hop from pipe to pipe until the end of the showcase. The next game is space intruders. You have to hop from ship to shit until the end. The next game is metrus. Instead of playing this one normally, the urge to climb up the metrus tower is too powerful. As if something is forcing it. You get to the top and see everything is fake. You jump down and find a figure telling you:”You have entered a restricted area. Please enter the main area.” You continue forward and find a tiny corner street area. Interesting. You continue forward and find an old elevator. You enter it and find yourself in a “Zeye facility” must have been the guys telling you all of this. You go through the place until you reach another portal in which it just tells you to “find the elevator”

It seems you're back in the real world and now are in another I.S.S.E facility. It might be the same one as before. Hard to tell. You find yourself in the cubical area of the office though and have to solve a puzzle in which you open a door behind a barricade. Once you do that you open the door and find a radiated trash room and you climb out of there avoiding saws in the process. Once you make it out you go up a staircase and find.. Wait. and elevator!

You go through the elevator and find yourself in the lobby of the main zeye facility. You see a reception desk but. There's something there.. Some sort of black goo. It’s killing =everyone so you run for your life over an almost fully darkness consumed room. You then hop on containers through what seems to be a lava filled container yard. Once you get through there you find the pipe room and jump across pipes until you reach GYRO. GYRO tells you that that thing is the eternal darkness and it will consume all and that we have to stop it fast! We run from the eternal darkness as it chases us and put caratone (the thing we got from the last game) into the CRS (caratone reality savor) and then click the button and…. Nothing. There's just a void of reality with the reality core there and a sign saying loading. It seems we have reset reality. Now we must wait.

==Important Characters==

* '''Andrew Richard B.-''' Throughout the AFTERLIFE series, you play as a man named Andrew Richard B. He is the founder of the portal project and the CEO of ISSE. Andrew is quite elderly, having been around for a long time, but either way, he remains the main character.

* '''GYRO-''' Gyro is essentially the God of this universe. He created and he controls just about everything. Now though, Gyro is contained in Chamber 02 at ISSE.

* '''The Eternal Darkness-''' A mysterious and harsh entity. The Eternal Darkness does nothing but bad, seeking to weaken humanity through dangerous force, taking people under it’s wrath.

*'''John Herald-''' John is the main antagonist in this series and is also the reason you're there in the first place. He is one of the Co founders of ISSE next t you but also was your good friend from college.


[[Category: Best of GRAB/Awesome Series]]
[[Category: Best of GRAB/Awesome Series]]


Latest revision as of 00:30, 14 October 2023

AFTERLIFE is a 18 level map series in awesome series. In AFTERLIFE you play as Andrew, the CEO of I.S.S.E. AFTERLIFE is a connected series with multiple other series including POP Factory Rebirth and Evade as a key part of APER. AFTERLIFE was made from the mind of AFT_Daring and a part of AFT Studios.

AFTERLIFE, like the other series in APER, is very lore focused. The game dives deep into a richly written and beautifully executed story, which spreads itself out onto a total of 18 levels.

Levels and Info[edit]

The following is a summary of every AFTERLIFE level to date.

You open at your desk and begin working. You get interrupted by a worker of yours and they inform you you need to meet John in lab 26A. You then wander the halls of I.S.S.E, until you find a zoo in which you go through to find a vent leading to the lab. You get brainwashed by John and get sent into a forest.

You find yourself in a strange forest and find a door in a mountain. Going through the door you find yourself in a facility owned by I.S.S.E whoever they are. You find an activated portal and jump in. You cross into a weird pind dimension and parkour your way through it until you find a strange green portal. You go deeper into the rabbit hole and go through

After walking through the green portal you appear in an old room.. But something is off. The entire room is upside down! You jump through the ford and walk through a void hallway to a lab hall. You parkour on the light and grab missing texture blocks to find a part of the lab that isn’t flipped. You go through normally and dodge lasers eventually reaching a wired eye in which you enter the simulation dumpster. You play through an old game called the adventurous adventure and the game seems broken with multiple warning signs but that's fine. You make it to the end and the simulation deteriorates as you walk into some containment room housing a sort of godlike being. He called himself GYRO and says we have two options as of now. He tells us we can see yourself or see more. SEE YOURSELF: you choose this and see a picture of a semi old man with the label underneath saying CEO of I.S.S.E SEE MORE: you walk and find a red portal. You walk through it and continue your journey

You go through the portal and find yourself in an abandoned facility. You explore the place finding stranger and stranger rooms. You find a ventway and crawl through a gigantic maze. After forever you reach the transit station where the train going toMIDGARD is missing. You do a bit of exploring and eventually find the train. You hop into it along with a lot of contraband and set out for MIDGARD!

After waking up in the tan station you walk through a door saying WELCOME TO MIDGARD there’s a bunch of information about this weird white void saying that it’s a recycling dimension? It seems like this place is a museum but as you press on, everything feels very scattered. Like things were moved around and not kept in check. Eventually you approach this gigantic white tentally ball in a white void. It looks as if it's reconstructing reality. This must be the core of MIDGARD. You walk on a semi in taked road to a box with a headset saying octane above it and a sign saying put it on.

You Wake up in a black void with text telling you how you’ve been brainwashed and how “they” need your help. You continue forward and find the headset is displaying a multitude of games for you to play. The first game is floppy bird. You hop from pipe to pipe until the end of the showcase. The next game is space intruders. You have to hop from ship to shit until the end. The next game is metrus. Instead of playing this one normally, the urge to climb up the metrus tower is too powerful. As if something is forcing it. You get to the top and see everything is fake. You jump down and find a figure telling you:”You have entered a restricted area. Please enter the main area.” You continue forward and find a tiny corner street area. Interesting. You continue forward and find an old elevator. You enter it and find yourself in a “Zeye facility” must have been the guys telling you all of this. You go through the place until you reach another portal in which it just tells you to “find the elevator”

It seems you're back in the real world and now are in another I.S.S.E facility. It might be the same one as before. Hard to tell. You find yourself in the cubical area of the office though and have to solve a puzzle in which you open a door behind a barricade. Once you do that you open the door and find a radiated trash room and you climb out of there avoiding saws in the process. Once you make it out you go up a staircase and find.. Wait. and elevator!

You go through the elevator and find yourself in the lobby of the main zeye facility. You see a reception desk but. There's something there.. Some sort of black goo. It’s killing =everyone so you run for your life over an almost fully darkness consumed room. You then hop on containers through what seems to be a lava filled container yard. Once you get through there you find the pipe room and jump across pipes until you reach GYRO. GYRO tells you that that thing is the eternal darkness and it will consume all and that we have to stop it fast! We run from the eternal darkness as it chases us and put caratone (the thing we got from the last game) into the CRS (caratone reality savor) and then click the button and…. Nothing. There's just a void of reality with the reality core there and a sign saying loading. It seems we have reset reality. Now we must wait.

Important Characters[edit]

  • Andrew Richard B.- Throughout the AFTERLIFE series, you play as a man named Andrew Richard B. He is the founder of the portal project and the CEO of ISSE. Andrew is quite elderly, having been around for a long time, but either way, he remains the main character.
  • GYRO- Gyro is essentially the God of this universe. He created and he controls just about everything. Now though, Gyro is contained in Chamber 02 at ISSE.
  • The Eternal Darkness- A mysterious and harsh entity. The Eternal Darkness does nothing but bad, seeking to weaken humanity through dangerous force, taking people under it’s wrath.
  • John Herald- John is the main antagonist in this series and is also the reason you're there in the first place. He is one of the Co founders of ISSE next t you but also was your good friend from college.