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You go through the elevator and find yourself in the lobby of the main zeye facility. You see a reception desk but. There's something there.. Some sort of black goo. It’s killing =everyone so you run for your life over an almost fully darkness consumed room. You then hop on containers through what seems to be a lava filled container yard. Once you get through there you find the pipe room and jump across pipes until you reach GYRO. GYRO tells you that that thing is the eternal darkness and it will consume all and that we have to stop it fast! We run from the eternal darkness as it chases us and put caratone (the thing we got from the last game) into the CRS (caratone reality savor) and then click the button and…. Nothing. There's just a void of reality with the reality core there and a sign saying loading. It seems we have reset reality. Now we must wait.
==Important Characters==