ForevrGrab's Jump Chart

From GRAB VR Wiki
Revision as of 02:39, 9 May 2024 by ForevrGrab (talk | contribs)

Description of Map

Current record is ForevrGrab himself with an impressive 66 meters!! If you want to view the level here's the URL: Level URL: ForevrGrab's Jump Chart
Name Upload Date Description
ForevrGrab's Jump Chart 2024-04-05 (Updated: 2024-05-4) ForevrGrab's Jump Chart is a level created by the well-known creator ForevrGrab among 4 other levels, this level is a chart to let players test how far they can jump (in meters).

The level has been played by dozens of very well known creators/players (and even mods!) such as yO0hooVr, dotindex, Convrist, SuperMeow10, FitArtist334071, Famgal, Itz Alwx, Madlord, EBSpark, Poggggg, BigDum, Luhmao, Leviathan, Coblerb1, Bwlbuck, The Nothing, etc.