This article is a placeholder. Major work required

Running Edit

Stick Running Edit

Zero friction Edit

Tracking abuse run Edit

Jumping Edit

One-Handed Jump Edit

One-hand jumping is a technic used by thousands of players, making it so people can jump high/far without needing as much strength as jumping with 2 hands

Flick jump Edit

Slope Jumping Edit

Super Jumping “Glumping” Edit

T-Pose Edit


Tracking abuse jump Edit

Climbing Edit

Climb Jump Edit

Grapple Edit

Grapple Retract Edit

Half-Grapple Edit

Half grappling is a technique to where the player only holds down the trigger half-way, making it so you dont go towards where you're grappling, but instead stuck where you are, which is very handy for swinging.

Double Grapple Edit

Double grappling is a way of grappling onto a grapple block, either it be a normal, or a lava, you can do this on both, it makes it so that the player goes stright towards where they grappled onto instead of swinging.

Wall Grapple Edit

Chain Grapple Edit

Super Grapple Edit

Grapple Stopping Edit

Juvailing Edit

Juvail Teleport Edit

Fling Mode Edit

For more detail see Fling mode

Elevator Edit

Wall Surfing Edit

Bouncing Edit

Bounce Cancelling Edit

Slope Suction Edit

Patched Edit

Iron Man Glitch Edit

Car glitch Edit

Roof surfing Edit

Smooth turn fly Edit