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* '''Oscar Popper:''' Oscar Popper is the current CEO of POP. He has done many evil things, which eventually led to his downfall at the hands of Cole.
* '''Oscar Popper:''' Oscar Popper is the current CEO of POP. He has done many evil things, which eventually led to his downfall at the hands of Cole.

* '''Jeremiah:''' Jeremiah was a normal and innocent man, but one day while on his shift as a janitor at POP, some guards hold him at gunpoint and force him to enter a room where he recites a script to create a paradox. He then gets sucked into the paradox core as it slowly breaks down thanks to the paradox. Jeremiah forms a survival shelter with others lost wandering in the void. This is the same shelter Cole wakes up in in Episode 8.
* '''Jeremiah:''' Jeremiah was a normal and innocent man, but one day while on his shift as a janitor at POP, some guards hold him at gunpoint and force him to enter a room where he recites a script to create a paradox. He then gets sucked into the paradox core as it slowly breaks down thanks to the paradox. Jeremiah forms a survival shelter with others lost wandering in the void. This is the same shelter Cole wakes up in in Episode 8.

Revision as of 12:17, 11 October 2023

POP is an awesome series made by KooKooKrazy and Spibsboft. in POP, you work as a paperboy for the company and set out on multiple adventures exploring POP and eventually killing the owner in a twisting turn of events.

The series is filled with lore that divides itself upon 12 levels and an ending, accounting for a total of 13 levels.

POP is a series that is a part of APER, a connection between AFTERLIFE, POP, Evade, and Factory Rebirth. Each series is connected in some way.

Episodes and Info:

Basic Story: The Puppeteers of Physics are an organization that discovered how to control and bend the laws of physics and beyond as we know it.

POP has only one headquarter that is split into multiple dimensions per every five or so floors. There are many people who work to make humanity better with POP.

You are a PaperBoy for POP, writing and delivering important files and information around the buildings. One day, a classified place beyond reality called the Paradox Point, begins to go strange as it is reported that someone on earth accidentally made a paradox in real life. This begins to crumble the dimensions and buildings, so you travel through floors and hence dimensions to get to the Paradox Point and figure out how to fix it. In the process you are also tasked with fixing the Paradox Point, instead being sucked into it and finding out the secrets of POP. POP, now known to be a malicious organization, forced the paradox point to break and kill many do that it would be easier to fix for their gain (as the paradox point can only be fixed once it is FULLY broken). You retaliate against POP, eventually killing the CEO to free the people from this evil organization.

Cole Banks is an 18 year old fresh out of high school seeking employment. He decides to apply for the current largest business (POP) to work as a paperboy. During the interview he is instructed on how his job works and is given a short tour. The game ends with him entering his office which is the start of the next game.

Cole is in his office many months later when everything begins to shake, a possible earthquake. He gets out to see other employees just as worried as he is and upon closer inspection sees that everything is falling apart. He goes to the emergency stairs which are falling apart and has to jump his way up until he reaches an elevator shaft in which he climbs up until he is teleported elsewhere. (Because the elevators are inter-dimensional)

Cole is not transported to a different dimension, but instead a place designated “MIDGARD” (named after the Norse Myth) He reads from a robot roaming the void realm that it is a space between realities, dimensions, etc. mostly used as storage space for POP. Traversing MIDGARD is difficult considering there are things randomly scattered everywhere. The robot instructs him he must find his way to the Exit Point of MIDGARD, which is far from where he entered. Eventually he does.

After finding your way out of Midgard you reach a vent through the void. It looks unstable and is surrounded by posters labeled "Danger" After looking back behind you. You realize. The only option is to go through the vent, even if it means certain death. Half way through the vent it collapses beneath you leading you through an almost infinite void. You end up in office. A plain white office. The office is littered in posters and writing on the walls saying "Get out while you have the chance!" and "POP is evil!". You walk out the room to be brought to an infinite storage room in which you cannot see the end of. This place is called the Archive.

You find a door at the end of the Archives. Through this door is a small island in the middle of the ocean. After exploring around and having some fun you are distracted by a POP Higher-Up who says that you haven’t clocked in in three weeks and so will need to be brought back. He walks you through a pathway over the water and eventually you reach a door that is labelled “Cole’s Office” but once you go through, you fall into a prison, and outside, the higher-up says “This is what happens when you are ignorant.”

Additionally, Paradise is a man made island where all employees who work perfectly for a month go to relax. They can do anything they want there, like a sandbox.

After being in prison for over an hour the robot thingy from MIDGARD finds you and helps you escape. Upon your escape you are caught by guards but a higher up butts in saying that you can evade imprisonment by visiting the paradox point to fix it. This is the same time you learn the Breaking Point was caused by a random man who created a paradox on accident. Once you reach the lowest floor, Level -1, and find the Paradox Point room.

You enter the room holding the Paradox Point. To get to the core, where everything comes from, you must do rigorous parkour to reach it. Eventually you do but you immediately get sucked in by the Paradox Core.

You enter the core and explore around a little. Upon exploring you find out that all paradoxes and those who created them are stored in the core. One of those is a man named Jeremiah Williams, the man who caused the Paradox that caused the breaking point. He tells you that POP is not what it seems, and forced him to create a paradox. At the end of the level, you have to enter Tim (the robot) to escape the core.

Little story, mostly parkour. You enter Tim and are greeted with bhunch of wires, chips and machinery, he tells you through a screen inside that it is safe for you to get out. To do so you have to parkour through Tim’s Hardware to get to an exit point.

After exiting Tim you realize you took too long, and the floor that Tim stopped at is now nearly entirely consumed by the Void. With no other choice, you let the void take you, and away you go.

In the Void you find Tim, dead. He was punctured by Void monsters and being consumed by the Void. Tim left one final message “Kill the Void, find the kill switch.”

For this, you must parkour through the Void, avoiding monsters and infected along the way. Once you find the switch, you have the option to press it, or leave it. Leaving it shows Cole infected, and pressing it incinerates the entire Void, killing all the monsters and infected in the process. You the classically escape through a vent.

The vent breaks while you are in it and you fall into a meeting with executive as they are looking for you. They reveal that they have actually been looking for you. When you rush out of the room, guards are already on your tail and you need to escape, so you go through a series of unstable vents that keep breaking down into different rooms until you finally reach…the outside.

You are now hanging for dear life in a huge building. You luckily are able to scale this building to the top when you are met by the one and only CEO of POP. He is with many guards and is pointing a blaster directly between your eyes, threatening to shoot. You then go through breaking blocks to reveal a scene, you shot the CEO down and he kinda died after falling from the building.

You make your way through a crowd of employees cheering and watching a scene way ahead of you on the ground in front of the building you were just on. Many people are throwing matches at the body of the dead CEO and saying things like “This one’s for xyz!”. You kneel down right in front of the body and throw one in yourself as the CEO’s wife watched in sadness.

“This one’s for Tim.”

Important Characters

This is a list of many characters mentioned through the POP! Series in no particular order.

  • Cole Banks: Cole is the main character and the character you play as through the duration of POP! Cole is 18 years in the beginning and 19 at the end. Looking for a job, he finds good pay at a minimal position at the Puppeteers of Physics, the largest corporation in the world. Driven to free the employees, many of whom are very mistreated, he ends all of POP with a single gunshot.

  • TIM: TIM, standing for Trudging In Midgard, is one of many types of GuideBots created by POP. TIM specifically is a MIDGARD GuideBot. He assists anyone going in MIDGARD and helps them traverse it safe and sound. TIM, for whatever reason seems to confide in Cole, this leading him throughout the series.

  • Buster D. Commer: Although he plays a minimal role in the story, he plays a large one in POP. Buster is the overly-drunk yet inteligent Dimension-Hopper. He is the center of many POP spin-offs.

  • Oscar Popper: Oscar Popper is the current CEO of POP. He has done many evil things, which eventually led to his downfall at the hands of Cole.

  • Jeremiah: Jeremiah was a normal and innocent man, but one day while on his shift as a janitor at POP, some guards hold him at gunpoint and force him to enter a room where he recites a script to create a paradox. He then gets sucked into the paradox core as it slowly breaks down thanks to the paradox. Jeremiah forms a survival shelter with others lost wandering in the void. This is the same shelter Cole wakes up in in Episode 8.

  • Gary Paulsen: He wrote hatchet and is also the head interviewer at POP. He and Buster are the only two that you spare in Episode 12.

  • Imp O. Sterling: Ex-Marine and Bounty Hunter, Sterling is a sociopath yet still is head of the Employee Punishments department, and trust me, he does not hold back. You see him the the prisons and in the meeting room.


These posters were all made to add some life to the POP Levels. They were all made soley by KooKooKrazy, the designer and Co-Creator of POP.