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I.S.S.E’s main rival, [[POP]], or the [[Puppeteers of Physics]] developed portal tech in the early 2000s, but I.S.S.E reverse engineered the tech to teleport you through dimensions instead of just through the world, which POP would replicate soon after. The portals would vary from many colors being purple, green, red, and cyan being the main 4.
Andrew perfected his portals in 2046 when he left the facility and disappeared, one worker, [ANONYMOUS] finished the final designs of the day after he disappeared.
I.S.S.E had also built the Octane headset in 2032 when the company was still a concept. This technology of virtual teleportation was discovered by john.
I.S.S.E had also done research into dimensions like MIDGARD And creating interstellar highways. They also at the same time discovered a reality known as 756 or the sister reality to 757. In this research, They found about the reality core and its power to hop between their reality and the sister reality. They later discovered there’s more than just one reality core.