User:Anton.exe/Quick MediaWiki Guide

Revision as of 18:20, 10 October 2023 by Anton.exe (talk | contribs) (make a small editing guide. will likely add to it later if i get more common questions)
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Here's a small guide to help you use MediaWiki.

Page Creation Edit

To make a new page look up the name you want in the search bar. Once you've made sure that the same page doesn't exist under a different name yet, click "Create Page".

Guidelines Edit

(Note: these are my subjective opinion and just what i have been rolling with myself.

  • Pages (except User: pages) should be written in the third person.
  • Proper capitalization and grammar should be used.

Formatting Edit

To make bold and italics text, use '''triple apostrophes for bold''', ''double for italics'', and '''''quintuple for both'''''.

To make internal links, use a double square bracket like so: [[Page Name]]. The first letter isn't case-sensitive. You can also make it show custom text with [[Page Name|custom text]]. Non-existant pages will have a red link like so and clicking them will begin page creation.

To add a page to a category, link to the category on the page. E.g. [[Category:Players]]. It is recommended to do this at the bottom of the page. If you want to simply link to a category, add a preceding colon like in [[:Category:Players]]

To add an image, first upload it via Special:Upload if it hasn't been uploaded yet, and then link to the file like any other page. You can also use certain parameters like thumb or 200px to change how it displays E.g. [[File:Grablogo.png|100px]] turns into  

For external links, use a single square bracket, and put the custom text after a space. E.g. [ a link to google] -> a link to google

For headings, use ==Equals signs==. The more you have, the smaller the heading. 2 are recommended for each article section and an extra one for each sub-level.

To use a template, use double curly braces like so: {{Template Name}}. If a template has parameters the template's wiki page will usually show you how to use them.