
From GRAB VR Wiki


On Signs you can write text, Signs use the same textures/properties as wood, you can grab on them too

Grabbable Block

Using the grip button on your controller while touching this block allows you to climb.


A grabbable block that has the same purpose as the grabbable block, but is also often used as decorarion.


A block that, when touched by the player, kills the player, causing them to be sent to their last checkpoint, or the start of the level.


A block used exclusively for standing upon and decoration. Serves no other purpose.


When moving on ice, you gain more and more momentum, acting as if there was no friction. This allows reaching very high speeds.

Grapple Block

When pointing at the block, you can press the trigger on your controller, which allows you to grapple onto the block.

Crumbling Grabbable Block

A block that serves the same purpose as the grabbable block, but over a time set by the level creator, it breaks. Respawns after a time set by the level creator.

Color Block

A block where the color can be altered in the editor, allowing for better decoration. The 0.30.0 update added HEX codes, expanding the amount of colors that can be used.

Lava Grapple Block

A block that acts the same way as the grapple block, but also acts as lava. If you touch the block, you will either be sent to your last checkpoint, or the start of the level.

Bounce Block

When touching this block, it bounces you up in the air, as if it were a trampoline. Which direction it bounces you depends on the rotation of the block.