Halloween Mayham (boss)

From GRAB VR Wiki

Halloween Mayham (boss) is a boss level made by Comedy Mask Studio where you fight a giant pumpkin named Dave.

In the level, you start in The Void Box that tells you some mean attacks and how much time is left on the timer. However, it's best to leave The Void Box before 20 seconds are up or else your locked in.

Once on the Battlefield, there will be a short intro that plays before the boss fight starts. When the fight start, there will be hands slamming onto the ground, floating Lava Ghosts, and targeted Candy Corn Rockets.

There are 3 Phases in Halloween Mayham, each having 6 attacks.

Once you defeat all 3 Phases, an outro will play before you are carried away to the End Area where you can finish the level.

While traveling from Phase to Phase, you can see some Mini Islands with some goofy things on it like Convrist starting a Which Cup game or two Lava Ghosts playing a Ball Toss game.

Something on those Mini Islands were made by different testers and moderators in GRAB like Convrist, Luhmao, Eclipse Queen, and more.

There also another Mini Island at the End Area. You'll have to make a big jump to see it though.

Halloween Mayham is the most popular boss fight in GRAB as of right now with 94,500 plays and 75 likes. However, it is also rated as very hard with only 111 of players beating the level.

It is also one of the boss levels to a work in progress series called Mayham. Along with Christmas Mayham (boss) and 3 unknown levels.

Level Link[edit]

Halloween Mayham (boss)